Credit Limit Decrease Request
Please enter numbers only
^[0-9]*$Please enter numbers only
Mandatory fields are indicated below
Please provide your first name
Please provide your first name
Please provide your last name
Please provide your last name
Please provide your phone number
Please provide your phone number^[0-9]*$

Please enter numbers only

I want to request..*

Please do not include any credit card numbers on this form.

If you want to reduce your credit limit to an amount that is less than the balance of your account, you will need to pay the amount necessary to reduce the balance of your account to the reduced credit limit you want before we can action your request. If you want to terminate your contract, you will need to repay the balance of your account, the amount of any transaction that you have authorised that does not yet form part of that balance and any interest that has accrued but not yet been charged to the account before we can action your request. You will also need to stop using any access facilities attached to your account and cancel any authorisations on the account such as direct debits or recurring payments.

^Our minimum credit limit for Visa Credit Card contracts is $1,000 and the minimum credit limit for overdraft contracts is $500.

If you require any further assistance or to confirm any amount you need to pay so that we can action your request you can contact People’s Choice through Secure Mail located in Internet Banking, call the contact centre on 13 11 82 or visit your local branch.