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People’s Choice has further increased returns for a range of savings products and term investments, following the Reserve Bank’s recent decision to lift the official cash rate.

These include higher interest rates for our most popular savings accounts:

  • Young Saver – lifted to 4.65% p.a. (Base + Bonus)
  • Dream Fund – lifted to 4.60% p.a. (Base + Bonus)
  • Bonus Saver – lifted to 4.00% p.a. (Base + Bonus)

At the same time, People’s Choice has also increased or maintained rates on all term investment products from 1-month to 2-year terms.

Among the increases, returns on a 3-month term investment have been lifted by 0.50% p.a. to 3.25% while 6-month deposits have been increased to 4.00% p.a.

All changes for term investments and savings accounts will come into effective on 1 June 2023.

For any member feeling financial pressure, we have a range of support materials available through our financial wellbeing hub, the home loan FAQs page on our website and via our extensive network of lending specialists.

  • How will I be notified if my interest rate is changing?

    • If you make Principal and Interest repayments, you’ll receive a letter from us with your new rate and repayment information, providing you with at least 20 days' notice for you to make any changes.
    • If you make Interest Only repayments, you’ll receive a letter from us with your new rate.
    • If you have a Line of Credit account, you’ll receive a notification of the rate change on your next statement.
  • Can I switch to a fixed interest rate?

    If you want to speak to us about fixing your home loan interest rate, email us on fixmyhomeloan@peopleschoice.com.au with your name, member number and contact phone number and we’ll be in touch within 48 hours to talk through your options.

Help and support

If you need any support managing your home loan, we’re here to help.

If you're ahead with your loan repayments, you might be able to redraw against your loan. For terms and conditions that apply to redraws, please see our lending terms and conditions (PDF, 249 KB).

Members experiencing financial difficulty at any time can find information about the support we provide on our Financial Hardship Assistance page.

Please visit our Managing debt and financial hardship section for tips on  budgeting, planning and debt consolidation.

Guides and tips

Need some help? We've got you covered. 

Get in touch with us and we can help you get the answers you need.