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Thousands of People’s Choice members in Palmerston are now able to enjoy a brand-new branch, centrally located in the Gateway Shopping Centre.

Situated in a thriving retail location which is home to more than 100 stores, the new branch will be extremely convenient for most members. It also offers improved after-hours access with an attached ATM atrium which will be open until 10:00pm six night a week*. 

The modern, newly-built site replaces the previous People’s Choice branch which closed last week in the nearby Palmerston Shopping Centre.

“I’m confident our members are going to be very happy with their new branch,” said Sally Cocks, Head of Retail and Virtual Banking. “The feedback so far has been very positive. 

“The location is fantastic – which was the driver behind the move – and we’ve taken the opportunity to design the layout of the new branch to make it easier for our members to interact with us how they want to. 

“With the ATM vestibule and two Internet Banking booths close to the entrance, members can easily pop in and quickly do their banking digitally if they want to. 

“For those members who might need some assistance or want to discuss a banking matter, they can simply move through to our tellers or use the dedicated service and advice area. 
“Importantly, there have been no staff changes so members will continue to be served by our same friendly team,” she said.

Striking artwork

A central feature of the new branch will be a striking piece of art – Desert Flowers – by Trephina Sultan-Thanguwa, a well-known artist who works for the Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation.  

The piece, which is almost two metres wide and a metre tall, will not only help set the branch apart, it also reflects the bank’s commitment to reconciliation and its firmly established roots on the traditional lands of the Larrakia Nation. 

“We’ve been helping Territorians to achieve their financial goals for decades. This first-class new branch is an exciting new stage for our presence to the Top End,” Ms Cocks said.

*Closing at 7.00pm on Saturdays. 

Access to the ATM vestibule will match opening hours at the nearby Woolworths. 
This is in addition to an external ATM which is available 24/7.

Media enquiries

Jonathan Revitt
0412 639 179 | jrevitt@peopleschoicecu.com.au


People’s Choice is a brand of Heritage and People’s Choice, Australia’s leading member-owned banking organisation. The organisation has approximately 730,000 members, 1,900 employees, more than 90 branch and service locations, and some $23 billion in total assets.



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